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Reverse Osmosis Systems, Wastewater, and Oil and Gas Wells

Harlow Filter Supply carries a complete line of industrial water filters. Our industrial water filters are used in commercial and industrial RO systems, wastewater filtration applications, and to filter produced water in oil and gas wells. A variety of filter styles and efficiencies are available, including FDA approved and NSF certified water filters.

Available filter types for industrial water filtration include:

  • Stringwound Filters - These filters are excellent for depth filtration, low pressure drop, and high dirt holding capacity. Stringwound filters are sometimes called woven filters, and come in cotton, polyester, polypropylene and several other media types.
  • Meltblown water filters - Melt blown filters are often used as prefilters for Reverse Osmosis systems. Melt blown filters provide a stable and economical filter cartridge for filtering of water and other chemicals.
  • Pleated water filters - Pleated water filters provide increased surface area and high dirt holding capacity. We carry heavy duty and light duty pleated liquid filters. These are excellent for water filtration and liquid chemical filtration. Click here for more info on our heavy duty pleated liquid filters.
  • Carbon Filters - Great for chlorine reduction in municipal water. Useful as prefilters to protect RO membranes. Also useful in natural gas processing applications as amine sweetening filters or glycol dehydration filters.
  • Liquid Filter Bags - Economical and versatile liquid filters. Also called sock filters. Click here to learn more about our liquid filter bags.

We do not list our water filter part numbers on this site. Click here to Request a Quote for water filters or contact us.